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Managing the Side Effects of Cancer

The potential side effects from cancer, cancer treatment and post-cancer management can be difficult to deal with. Side effects can range from physical to emotional, and from pain and nausea to fatigue and depression.

But remember: millions of people have experienced side effects. We have researched, studied and learned from their experiences.

Our nurses, physicians and staff can offer you and your family advice and assistance to handle side effects that you may experience during and after your cancer treatment.

Tips for managing side effects

  • Ask about potential side effects before treatment and talk with your medical team about how to prevent and manage them. The more you know, the less you have to fear.
  • Speak up. As soon as you notice symptoms, notify your care team. The sooner your team is aware, the more it can do to help alleviate the problems. Be aware that some side effects don't present immediately and may even take months or years to show up.
  • Stay positive and don't anticipate problems. No two people experience treatment the same way. Just because your friend had a specific side effect doesn't mean you will have it, too.

Cancer Side Effects Links

Cancer-Related Pain (Source: American Cancer Society)
Cancer and the treatment of cancer can be painful. Knowing what to expect and learning how to cope may alleviate fear and prepare you for what’s in store. Visit this site to learn about the types of pain you may experience and methods to manage it.

Caring for the Patient With Cancer at Home: A Guide for Patients and Families (Source: American Cancer Society)
It’s difficult for your loved ones to see you in pain. This guide will address their anxieties and fears, and give family and friends advice on how to help with fatigue, poor appetite, confusion, depression and more.

Pain Control: Support for People with Cancer (Source: National Cancer Institute)
Cancer pain is manageable and controllable. Use this information booklet to learn about the medicine and treatments that your cancer care team may use to help control your pain.

Cancer Treatment Side Effects Links

Chemotherapy Side Effects Sheets (Source: National Cancer Institute)
The National Cancer Institute has created and collected free pamphlets of information on how to manage chemotherapy side effects for individual types of cancer, including breast cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer.

About Chemotherapy Side Effects (Source: www.chemocare.com)
This is the Scott Hamilton Care’s Initiative. Find information about chemotherapy drugs, side effects, eating well during chemotherapy, complementary therapies to help you get through treatment and more.

Radiation Therapy Effects (Source: American Cancer Society)
Learn about the side effects of radiation therapy, as well as ways to prevent and manage them.

Side Effects of Cancer Treatment (Source: OncoLink)
Side effects of cancer treatment may include nausea, vomiting, fatigue, loss of appetite, infection, insomnia and pain. Learn more about the side effects and ways to handle them.

Post-Cancer Management Side Effects

Survivorship Information (Source: Livestrong.com)
After cancer treatment, you may notice some physical and mental differences. Learn about survivorship, common emotional experiences, cognitive changes (also known as chemo brain), fertility issues and more.

Last Updated: 7/15/24